E-learning is the use of multimedia and the Internet in order to improve the quality of learning by providing access to remote sources and services and by facilitating collaboration and distance communication. Systematic implementation of e-learning at the University of Zagreb started in 2007 by adopting the E-Learning Strategy and the establishment of the Office for E-Learning of the University of Zagreb and the E-Learning Centre (CEU) at University Computing Centre (SRCE). The E-Learning Centre supports institutions and teachers in applying e-learning in the education process and has ensured e-learning technologies as well as systematic support, especially for teachers, in e-learning development, as well as their implementation in the teaching process.
In 2010, RGNF started the systematic implementation of e-learning. From then on, at the beginning of each academic year, all courses from the study plan are opened and the teachers and students have access to the system using the electronic identity AAI @ EduHr. Student identities are acquired at enrollment. Except for accessing Merlin's courses, this electronic identity is used to connect to the wireless internet access eduroam and many other academic-related services.
Representative for e-Learning of RGN faculty and administrator for Merlin system at RGN faculty: