In the academic year 2021/2022, the library tried its best to give its users, both for its scientific/teaching staff and students, access to as much digital content as possible that they can use in their daily work and studies. The Faculty used its own funds to renew its subscription to OnePetro - a specialized database with complete texts, which covers the field of petroleum engineering and includes access to scientific and professional articles from the world's most famous journals with a high resonance factor. The subscription covers 36 magazine titles and about 250 proceedings from international scientific and professional conferences in all areas of petroleum and gas engineering.
We would also like to emphasize that the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, with its own funds in cooperation with the Faculty of Science, the Department of Geology and the Faculty of Geotechnics from Varaždin, with the financial assistance of the Ministry of Science and Education, achieved a significant consortium subscription to the GeoScienceWorld (GSW) database. This subscription enables access to complete texts from 54 foreign journals in the field of geosciences, many of which belong to the most cited titles in that scientific field. In addition to access to the recent issues of magazines, this subscription also allows access to all archived issues from the beginning of publication of a particular title, which sometimes covers a period of over 30 years of publication. Some of these well-known publications include: AAPG Bulletin, American Mineralogist, Clay Minerals, GSA Bulletin, and Geological Magazine.
The increased availability of library material in electronic (digital) form is contributed to by the fact that from 2020 onwards, all defended Final Works published since then, as well as Master's Theses, are stored in the Repository of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, only in digital form. Currently, 1578 objects are stored in the Repository, more than 80% of which are published in open access. During 2022, our contents were accessed 11,953 times, and as many as 81,250 units of material were downloaded.
On the website, you can follow interesting statistical data about which countries around the world have downloaded our content and to what extent, and which Master's Theses are the most "downloaded" in certain periods of time.
During 2022, in addition to the usual digital versions of evaluated works (Final Works, Master's Theses and Doctoral Theses), the Repository also stores other types of digital documents, such as scientific and expert articles from magazines, papers from conferences, presentations at assemblies, books and chapters from books, audiovisual materials and educational content. All this contributes to the greater availability of library materials to all interested users and increases the visibility of the scientific production of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering.
Key Resources
- Library Catalogue
- Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Repository
- Electronic Resources Portal for the Croatian Academic and Scientific Community
- OnePetro
- Web of Science Core Collection