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Terraloc Mk 6 Seismograph
Operating frequency 2-4000 Hz, 21-bit digitizer, dynamic range 126 dB.
Seismic explorations in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
Borehole Geophone BHG-2
Three 14 Hz geophones in X, Y and Z orientation, with compass and servo-mechanism for automatic orientation of horizontal geophones.
Borehole geophysical measurements in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
SARIS - Scintrex Automated Resistivity Imaging System
Output power 100 W, maximum output voltage 500 V, input resolution 0.15 μV, input voltage range ±40 V.
Electrical sounding, profiling and 2D and 3D tomography explorations in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
Output power 100 W, maximum output voltage 400 V, input resolution ±30 nV, automatic input voltage range ±250 mV, ±10 V, ±400 V.
Electrical sounding, profiling and high-resolution 2D and 3D resistivity explorations in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
10 x 64 channels standard configuration, 12 V DC power supply via Terrameter SAS 1000.
Electrical sounding, profiling and high-resolution 2D and 3D resistivity explorations in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys via Terrameter SAS 1000.
Operating frequency 16.5 kHz, maximum transmitter output voltage 1000V AC at current levels of 16 mA.
High-resolution subsurface resistivity profiling and imaging in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
EM34-3XL Electromagnetic System
Range of conductivity 0-10, 100, 1000 mS/m; measurement precision ±2%; intercoil spacing 10, 20 or 40 m; operating frequencies 6.4, 1.6 or 0.4 kHz.
Electromagnetic surveys in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
Resolution 0.1 gamma, measurement precision 0.2 nT, data range 20000-100000 nT, input power 12V at 700 mA.
Magnetic measurements for discovering magnetic rocks, magnetic building materials (diabase, andesite, basalt) and other magnetic objects in geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
Data range 3500-6000 mGal, fine skale range 100 mGal, precision 0.01 mGal.
Gravimetrijska istraživanja u okviru naftnogeoloških istraživanja i mikrogravimetrijska istraživanja u okviru geotehničkih, inženjerskogeoloških, hidrogeoloških, istraživanja okoliša i drugih istraživanja.
Well logging equipment, Robertson Geologging
Maximum depth 500 m.
Well logging measurements in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
Number of samples/trace 128-8192; 100, 250 and 500 MHz shielded antennas.
Shallow subsurface measurements in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.
STRATAGEM EH4 MagnetoTelluric System
Frequency range 11.7 Hz-100 kHz, BF6 magnetic field coils, transmitter antenna 400 Am2.
Deep subsurface imaging in hydrogeological, geotechnical, environmental and other surveys.