Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection Laboratory

Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection Laboratory

Lab activity

Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection Laboratory is equipped with laboratory scale mineral processing equipment, which also represents the core activity of the laboratory. Laboratory scope of activities includes the areas of environmental protection, introducing wastewater treatment, the measurement of airborne emissions from stationary sources and soil cleaning as well as waste recycling (i.e. waste mining), especially WEEE recycling.

Head of the Lab: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Prof., PhD.


 Analytical procedure and test method



HRN B.B5.020, HRN B.B8.050, HRN B.B5.011, HRN B.B8.020, HRN B.D8.205, HRN B.D8.100, HRN B.D8.101; HRN B.B8.035; HRN B.H8.310, HRN B.H9.001, HRN B.H9.002, HRN B.H8.311, HRN B.H9.001, HRN B.H9.002, HRN B.H8.335, HRN B.H9.001, HRN B.H9.002, HRN B.G8.471, HRN B.G8.451, HRN B.G8.517, HRN B.G8.500, HRN B.G8.501

Determination of moisture content

HRN B.B5.020, HRN B.B8.050, HRN B.B5.011, HRN L.J0.002, HRN EN 933-1, HRN EN 933-2, HRN B.D8.100, HRN B.D8.101; HRN L.J0.002, HRN EN 933-2, HRN EN 933-1:2003, HRN EN 933-1, HRN B.B8.036, HRN B.B8.105, HRN EN 932-1:2003 i HRN EN 932-2:2003, HRN EN 932-1, HRN EN 932-2, HRN B.B3.100,

Determination of particle size distribution by dry and wet sieving

HRN EN 1097-6 ; HRN EN 1097-3

Determination of density and bulk density

HRN B.H8.312, HRN B.H9.001, HRN B.H9.002

Determination of ash in the stone and the brown coal and lignite

MDHS 14/3, NIOSH 0500, COSHH G409, EN 481, EN 13205, EN 14530, CEN/TR 15230, CEN/TR 15547, EN ISO 10012, EN ISO 20988, EN ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 4226, ISO 6879, ISO 7708

The analysis of the atmosphere of working premises and areas: the filter sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable dust

MDHS 14/3, NIOSH 0600, ASTM D4532, OSHA ID 142, COSHH G409, EN 481, EN 13205, EN 14530, CEN/TR 15230, CEN/TR 15547, EN ISO 10012, EN ISO 20988, EN ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 4226, ISO 6879, ISO 7708

The filter sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable dust

EN 1076, EN 1231, EN 1232, EN 482, EN 689, EN 13205, EN ISO 10012, EN ISO 20988, EN ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 4226, ISO 6879, ISO 8760, ISO 8761, ISO 9486, ISO 9487, COSHH G409

Gas sampling. Monitoring of emissions of harmful substances into the air (smoke analysis in the industry: measurement of emission concentrations of O2, CO, NOx and SO2 emissions, exhaust gas temperature and the surrounding air pressure in the chimney and the flow velocity of the waste gas.

EN14181, EN 14791, EN 14792, EN 15058, EN 15259, EN 15267, EN ISO 8178-2, EN ISO 9169, EN ISO 10012, EN ISO 20988, EN ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 4226, ISO 6879, ISO 7935, ISO 10780, ISO 10849, ISO 12039, ISO 14164, ISO/CD 11771

Determination (based on measurements) of CO2 concentration, the coefficient λ, combustion efficiency and heat loss

Small and medium sized equipment
Name inventory Tech.characteristics Application Image

Toggle plate jaw crusher

feed opening size: 250 x 190 mm
product opening size: 35 - 65 mm
rpm: 280 min-1
electromotor: U = 380 V; I = 1,2 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 5,5 kW; cos fi= 0,84; n = 1440 min-1

Sample preparation, crushability tests

Celjusna drobilica

Impact crusher IZ-0

feed opening size: 270 x 110 mm
product opening size: 10 – 30 mm
rpm: 861, 1288, 1644 min-1
electromotor: Sever Subotica; U = 380 V; I = 16 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 7,5 kW; cos fi 0,83; n = 736 min-1

Sample preparation, crushability tests

Udarna drobilica

Roller crusher Humbolt Wedag VB-200

feed opening size: 45 mm
product opening size: >2 mm
electromotor: Eberhard Bauer D-7300 Esslingen
U = 220/380 V; I = 12,2 / 7,1 A; f = 50 Hz; P=4,0 hp; cos fi 0,79; n = 1420 / 280 min-1

Sample preparation, crushability tests

Drobilica s glatkim valjcima


feed opening size: 200 x 70 mm
product opening size: 8-1 mm
electromotor: Rade Končar; type AZ8 K-4; U = 220/380 V; I = 7,17/4,15 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 1,85 kW; cos fi 0,83; n = 1400 min-1

Sample preparation, crushability tests

Drobilica cekicara

Disk Mil

feed opening size: Φ25mm
product opening size: <2 mm
electromotor: Rade Končar; type 3AZ 155-4; U = 220/380 V; I = 8,8/5,1A; f = 50 Hz; P = 2,2 kW; cos fi 0,81; n = 1410 min-1

Sample preparation, crushability tests

Mlin s diskom

Edge (Kollergang) Mill

feed size: <20 mm
product size: <1 mm
elektromotor: ANYAGGVIZSG.KESZ.GY ; type 126 F/4; U = 380/220 V; I = 0,99A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,35 kW; cos fi 0,71; n = 1390 min-1

Sample preparation, crushability tests

Mlin s kotrljajucim diskom

Ball/Rod Mill

feed size: <20 mm
product size: <1 mm
elektromotor: Rade Končar; type 126 F/4; U = 380/220 V; I = 0,99A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,35 kW; cos fi 0,71; n = 1390 min-1

Sample preparation, crushability tests

Bubnjasti mlin s kuglama

Ceramic Ball Mill

feed size: <5 mm
product size: <1 mm
electromotor: Rade Končar; type 3AZ 133-6; U = 220/380 V; I = 2,3/1,35 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,4 kW; cos fi 0,7; n = 900 min-1

Application    Sample preparation, crushability tests

Keramicki bubnjasti mlin s kuglama


diameter: 10 mm (C1009), 25 mm (C155), 50 mm (C124)
volume: V= 40 dm3
centrifugal pump MONO MD 40 WARMAN 1 2/2 / 1
pressure 0 do 100 psi (0 do 700 kPa)
- hydrocyclone C124 (50 mm) 1 - 4 m3/h
- hydrocyclone C155 (25 mm) 0.2 - 1.2 m3/h
- hydrocyclone C1009 (10 mm) 0.1 - 0.25 m3/h

Sizing, dewatering, concentration


Spiral Classifier

feed grain size: < 4 mm
separation cut: 0,1 mm
angle 15°
rpm: 14-28 min-1
electromotor: Rade Končar; U = 220/380 V; I = 4,3/2,5 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,8 kW; cos fi 0,7; n = 900 min-1

Sand desliming

Spiralni klasifikator

Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker


Type 03.502

Grain size classification/analysis

Elektromagnetska tresilica 1

Elektromagnetska tresilica 2

Vibrating sieve

sieve opening range: 32-2 mm;
screen: wire sceen, perforated screen
angle: 28°
electromotor: Elektrokovina; type AZ1304; U = 220/380 V; I = 2,02/1,17 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,42 kW; cos fi 0,76; n =1350 min-1


Vibracijsko sito

Harz Jig

sieve opening size: 8-2 mm;
electromotor: Rade Končar; type A2K-8; U = 220/380 V; I = 2,42/1,4 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,4 kW; cos fi 0,7; n =684 min-1

Concentration, separation, beneficiation


Wilfley Shaking Table

electromotor: Elektrokovina; type TMP 14d4; U = 220/380 V; I = 5,2/3 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 1,1 kW; cos fi 0,75; n =1360 min-1

Concentration, separation, beneficiation.

Koncentracijski stol

Spiral Separator – Humphreys Spiral

number of segments: 18
number of turns: 6
chanel width: 17 cm
number of exits for heavys: 18
chanel lenght: 9 m
spiral diameter: 0,55 m
spiral height: 2,8 m

Concentration, separation, beneficiation


High Intensity Dry Magnetic Separator Humboldt Wedag

Electromotor: Eberhard Bauer; type D-7300 Esslingen; U = 220/380 V; I = 2,05/1,20 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,37 kW; cos fi 0,75; n1=1330 min-1; n2=315 min-1

Beneficiation, separation of magnetic and paramagnetic minerals and metals

Visokointenzivni suhi magnetski separator Humboldt Wedag

Low Intensity Wet Magnetic Separator

voltage: 0-150 V;
current: 0-20A

Beneficiation, separation of magnetic and paramagnetic minerals and metals

Mokri niskointenzivni magnetski separator

Electrostatic Separator

type HT-150
ionizating electrode voltage: (+/-) 30kV
drum rotation speed: 34-96 m/min
feed grain size: 0,65 mm - 1,6 mm

Concentration, separation, beneficiation

Elektrostaticki separator

Attrition cell


Film and oxides removal.

Atricijska celija 1

Atricijska celija 2

Fagergren Flotation Cell

efective volume: 1,2 dm3
electromotor: Rade Končar; type AZ 103-4; U = 220/380 V; I = 1,47/0,85 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,25 kW; cos fi 0,74; n =1320 min-1


Flotacijska celija

MS Flotation Cell

efective volume: 1,2 dm3
electromotor: Rade Končar; type AZ 105-4


Flotacijska celija MS

MS Flotation Cell

efective volume: 1,2 dm3
electromotor: Elektrokovina Maribor; type A23014; U = 220/380 V; I = 1,63/0,94 A; f = 50 Hz; P = 0,33 kW; cos fi 0,75; n =1350 min-1


Flotacijska celija MS 2

Flotation column



Flotacijska kolona

Precise Scale

0,0001 g

Precise weighting.

Precizna vaga

Digital Scale


Precise weighting.

Digitalna vaga

Teaching in the laboratory (students' practical work)

Teaching in the laboratory (students' practical work) in 2016/2017

Course title

Mandatory or Elective course

Number of hours of practical work in lab

Number of groups

Mineral processing 1




Physical separation Processes




Mineral processing 2




Recycling and processing of waste




Soil Washing




Air Protection




Teaching in the laboratory

 Teaching in the laboratory in 2016/2017 (Students scientifice research)

Name and surname of student

Thesis title

BSc thesis

Vilim Mufić

Stone exploitation and processing in Quarry Očura

MSc thesis

Anja Biondić

Review on Recycling of WEEE along with Recycling Metals from Mobile Phones by Electrostatic Separation

Marko Baričević

Drilling waste management in the exploitation field "Žutica"

Grgur Petrović

Crushing energy measurements on the field

Projects in the laboratory

Projects in the laboratory in 2016/2017 

Scientific research (including University support)

Improving the engineering properties of soil by applying recycled plastic