The EMerald master in georesources engineering aims to train a new generation of engineers with an entrepreneu-rial mind-set, capable of identifying and sustainably mana-ging the mineral and metal resources that are essential for the green energy transition.
With a unique position at the interface between Earth Sciences and Engineering, the two-year master (120 ECTS) is designed for students with a background in both geo-logy and applied sciences (mining, metallurgy, chemistry). It has been designed to find the right balance between the knowledge opf metal/mineral resources (geology, land-fills, urban mines, reserve characterisation and modelling) and process engineering techniques (comminution, sor-ting, preconcentration, extractive metallurgy and waste disposal).
The master, fully taught in English, offers an innovative curriculum from hands-on experiences in the university labs to the use of digital tools. It is jointly organized by 4 top-level European Universities, each of which hosts the students for at least a semester and delivers a Degree.